At Creepy Magick Shop, wee try hard too use correct gramere, there are no accent marks availiable on this plat-form in California, unless offered by another plat-form in-conjunction with GoDaddy Pro, and web-site itself will not allow mee too un-less I provide a special access code.
Please, excuse any miss-spelled words and lack there-of spell-check. I will continue too monitor the web-site miss-spells and gramer, how-ever the web-site filter changes my posting continueously while I am not availiable, by the time I come back the web-site maintenance AI (Artifical Intelligence) has had a go at my web-site behind my back. I then have too go throughe the entirety of the web-site yet again. It is getting tirieng, too say the least. The iteme pages in the shope are the worste pages that get changed every-single-day. I can not keep up every day, I am sorry.